August-September 2023 | Newsletters

In Lima

Thank God, we were able to move into an apartment not far from the place where Miriam would start her classes. We will be living here until December or February. It is owned by a sister in Christ who only rents it by recommendation; this was very helpful, as we were able to make the deal with more confidence even when we were in Mexico.

Preciosas impresiones fotomecánicas de Iris blancos (1887-1897) de Ogawa Kazumasa. Original del Rijksmuseum.
Preciosas impresiones fotomecánicas de Cerezos en flor (1887-1897) de Ogawa Kazumasa. Original del Rijksmuseum.

It was great to be able to arrive in Peru a month before school started, mainly so that Karina could adapt to the place, and so that we could be calmer at home.

These previous weeks were also the ideal time for us to get to know the neighborhood and the most suitable places for grocery shopping, and we were also able to pick up our bicycles and install a small baby seat so that the three of us could move around.

Documents for Peru

While we settled in Lima, we were able to obtain Miriam’s temporary residency. The process took a month, thanks in part to the fact that all the documents we brought from Mexico were accepted and to the help of the administrator of the organization (SIL) in Lima, who helped us with all the coordination with the government. Thanks Silvita! Without your support, the process would have been more tedious for us.

One of the reasons we postponed our move last year was because of the long waits to obtain residency due to all the delays because of Covid.

Having residency is important for a foreigner, as it allows him to legally stay longer in the country to study and serve. God willing, we hope to get a permanent residency in the future, like the one I have in Mexico, but for the moment we can only opt for the temporary one that is renewed every year.

Start of classes at CILTA

After settling in and obtaining temporary residency, Miriam began her classes at CILTA 1.

In the Principles of Literacy course, Miriam is learning adult teaching and literacy strategies. In the Methods for Analyzing a Language and Methods for Analyzing a Group’s Culture courses, she is learning how to approach the task of analyzing a language about which she has no information and how to study the different customs of a group to understand the way they view life. In a couple of weeks they will finish these courses and start new ones.

These courses are important to Miriam because they will help her to better understand the needs of the people she will serve, and to be able to help and guide them to improvement in all aspects of their lives, including the spiritual. I am very proud of Miriam for her dedication to her studies.

Bloom’s Books in Zoque

Continuing with the story of the woman to whom Miriam taught the Bloom program, we are happy to tell you that she continues to move forward with the task of creating materials for children in the Zoque language 2 (Mexico), taking advantage of this program and the keyboard we sent her.

We are very happy for the work of this woman. We are sure that she will continue to create valuable materials for the children in her community.

Kari’s growth

Thank goodness our baby is doing well, already walking (and sometimes almost running) around the apartment, playing and learning new skills week after week. She is a very happy and curious little girl, and we love watching her explore the world around her.

Although the winter was not so strong this year in Lima, the last two weeks there was some extra cold and Karina caught a cold. It was only a few days with home care and she is now recovered.

  1. CILTA: International Course on Linguistics, Translation and Literacy ↩︎
  2. Zoque de Chimalapa es uno idioma hablado en Oaxaca, México, que se encuentra en peligro de extinsión. ↩︎

Prayer requests

We appreciate your prayers for the following reasons:

  • Time:
    That the Lord may help us to make good use of every hour of the day and give us energy to fulfill well with Karina’s care, studies and work.
  • Health:
    That the Lord may be pleased to continue giving us health so that we may move forward.
  • Provision:
    In gratitude because God has provided through you for everything that involves a move from one country to another and because we can trust that we will continue to have the necessary resources to continue. We are very grateful for the generosity of our brothers, may the Lord bless the effort they make.

Thanks to each one of you who are being part of the Lord’s ministry with your prayers, offerings and messages of encouragement.


Rosas Maya Family

Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní from Cuautla, Morelos, México.

Iglesia Evangélica Unión Peruana El Sembrador from Iquitos, Perú.

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