About us

We are Jose Rosas (better known as Pepe) and Miriam Maya. We are a Peruvian-Mexican marriage. We serve as missionaries in the Bible translation movement and its use among indigenous languages in South America.

We train Bible translators and pastors and leaders from indigenous churches in South America with SIL.

We are currently raising our monthly ministry budget to be able to continue our work in Peru. We encourage you to serve together with us:  praying ,  giving  or  sharing  about this ministry with others. 


I was born in the jungle of Peru.

I serve in the area of technology, providing training for Bible translators, so that they learn how to use computers to achieve a translation in fewer years and more understandable to the speakers of each language.


Systems engineer

The start of my ministry with SIL

Master’s degree in Theology


I was born in Morelos, Mexico.

I currently serve in an area called Language Development. We train ethnic leaders and pastors to use the Word of God in their own language. In this way, the Good News reaches these ethnic groups, through their own people, in their own language.


English teaching degree

Bible Translation training called CILTA

Cross-cultural training, Mexico

The start of my ministry with SIL

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes into your life. You will tell about Me in the city of Jerusalem and over all the countries of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8 [NLV]

If the Lord is calling you to be a part of this ministry, you can commit to Him in any of the following ways:

With any of these ways, together we can accomplish the work to which He called us all.

Monthly budget progress


 Contact us by WhatsApp or email:

MEX: 735 165 3781
PER: 961 531 796

You can see our publications of anecdotes, devotionals and latest news in the  Blog  and  Newsletters  section.