July 2024 | Newsletters

Months of workshops

Thank God, we have been able to experience this verse more closely during this year. The Lord gave us the opportunity to teach others through various workshops. We trust that each participant has the ability to pass on to others what they learn, so thank you for accompanying them also with your prayers.
Here we share with you this summary:

Sanando heridas

It is a workshop where indigenous people are taught how to handle traumatic experiences in the light of the Word of God.

“I have felt pain in my heart but God will never leave me. Having received this study impacted me a lot and I could see that there is pain in my heart that I had never healed, since I lived with my parents, with my husband. This study impacted me, I still need to learn but I feel happy and grateful to be here. “

Gladys, of the Kakataibo ethnic group

Creating books in Bloom

Bloom is a fantastic program that allows you to create books and print them easily. It was created so that people with little computer training can take advantage of it.

“I am Quechua, I can use these books in my community to share the light of the gospel.”

Bloom workshop participant.

Paratext for translators matses and wampis

I was also able to participate with two indigenous groups by showing them the Paratext program. These are opportunities to help them understand these programs so they can get a quality Bible translation.

Reading Club

A few days ago Miriam returned from the “Reading Club” workshop in Pucallpa, where Shipibo and Kakataibo speakers learned how to create Bible school programs and materials for children.

Pray for the indigenous churches that seek to grow in their faith and need to create new materials.

“I learned that God chose me to carry the gospel.”
“I learned that prayers can be commanded.”
“I learned that I must write so that others will understand.”
“I learned that I must be kind to children.”

Some of the participants’ responses

Prayers are very important to be able to continue. Do you know that you can actively serve through your constant prayers? If you are encouraged by our work we invite you to contact us, you can be part of our prayer team and serve with us from home.

Por WhatsApp

Clearer plans

We want to thank all those who made our prayer requests for the future of our ministries their own. We were able to have more clarity and calmness to listen to where God wanted to take us.

We have made the decision to end our time in Lima this August. It is in this city that we met and made our first plans together, so it has been a special place for us as a family. However, now it is time to serve from another place.

We will be traveling to Mexico for a few months for a period of training with WEC with the possibility of becoming members of this missionary agency. We will have the opportunity to tell you more about this later, for now we would like to ask for your prayers for God’s guidance during this time of transition and moving.

Finally, God willing, early next year we will move to the Junin jungle in Peru to live with the nomatsiguenga indigenous group.

Activities before going to Mexico

Pepe continues to serve the different teams around Peru and neighboring countries.

Miriam and Kari still have two trips to make.

Prayer requests

We appreciate your prayers for the following reasons:

  • We are thankful for Kari, she is growing with health and energy. May we continue to enjoy her growth as we develop the ministry to which the Lord has called us.
  • May the brothers who have received workshops during these months be able to skillfully use what they have learned in their churches.
  • For wisdom and provision for our temporary move to Mexico and our move in January to the nomatsiguenga in Peru.

Thanks to each one of you who are being part of the Lord’s ministry with your prayers, offerings and messages of encouragement.


Rosas Maya Family

Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní from Cuautla, Morelos, México.

Iglesia Evangélica Unión Peruana El Sembrador from Iquitos, Perú.

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