March-April 2023 | Newsletters

Karina’s passport

We are very grateful that Karina’s Peruvian passport arrived at the end of March. It was a great surprise as we were told it would arrive until July.

Having your passports gives us great relief for when we need to travel to Peru, as it allows us to enter without setbacks or extra paperwork. Now we just need to wait for your Peruvian DNI to arrive (it is like the INE for Mexicans).

Meetings in Lima

Pepe traveled to Lima for 2 weeks to participate in 2 different meetings. 

The first week was to help solve doubts about technology to a group of consultants in training who were receiving training in their area.

Let’s remember that consultants are the ones who spend many years training to help translation teams achieve a translation that is more in line with the source text and, at the same time, makes sense to the listening culture. It is a great challenge to maintain this balance and consultants are fundamental to achieve this.

The second week Pepe met with 18 other colleagues who, like him, are serving as technology trainers in different parts of the Americas, in countries such as the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

This was a time to train each other, taking advantage of the different experiences that each one has had in the area of America in which they serve. Some of the participants are missionaries with many years of experience and others were apprentices who have decided to join the support in this need. Even in this area of service we can see how the Lord is raising up more and more Latinos to serve Him, not only in their own countries, but looking to the rest of the world.

Youth Mission Camp

When Pepe returned to Mexico, we went to CCT El Monte to support a missions camp for young Baptists, organized by the National Baptist Youth Union. They were 3 days where about 80 participants heard about the need to look “to the ends of the earth” through workshops and presentations of some missionaries who serve in different parts of the world and that in these months are in Mexico.

Pepe and I were in charge of giving a workshop on evangelization in indigenous communities and how the translation of the Bible and other study materials and training them to know how to use them is indispensable to strengthen the growth of each believer.

Bloom’s classes

Thank God, one of the sisters I taught to use this program is already using it to create her own books for her study groups in Colombia. Let us ask the Lord to touch the hearts of the people who receive these studies so that they may know the Lord more deeply.

Also, I continue to support a sister from Oaxaca so that she can create material in her language. She has progressed very well, but there are letters in her alphabet that are different from Spanish, so we are in the process of adapting her keyboard so that she can use it to write in Zoque.

Leviticus and Numbers for Lambayeque Quechua

In the previous letter we told you about the work to add these two books to a mobile app. We thank God that speakers of this language can now have access to these recently completed translations.

nce Pepe finished adding these books to the application, other colleagues helped to make it available on the Internet. If you are interested in seeing the result, you can download the Android app from this link.


Lambayeque Quechua Hymnal

The next task for Pepe and the Lambayeque Quechua team is to create another application, this time to have a hymnal with 239 songs in this language.

Printing on paper is always a good option, but it is more expensive and takes longer. This often means that even when others have worked so hard to create materials, they take time (or don’t reach people). That is why we consider it a blessing to now have the ability to offer these materials in digital form in a timely manner.

Literacy course in August

The area where the Lord allows me to serve has its foundations in the full understanding of reading, especially the Word of God. If the Lord permits, in August I will be starting a course on literacy that will last about 5 months.

Prayer requests

We appreciate your prayers for the following reasons:

  • For each person who participates in Bible translation as a translator, consultant or trainer, may He give them wisdom in every decision they make and much intelligence to learn new things.
  • For the sisters who were trained in the use of Bloom, may the Lord use them for the extension of his kingdom.
  • May the Lord work so that Karina’s official Peruvian identification will soon arrive in Mexico.
  • For the health of us and our extended family.
  • May the Lord confirm our departure date to Peru, if that is His will.

Thanks to each one of you who are being part of the Lord’s ministry with your prayers, offerings and messages of encouragement.


Rosas Maya Family

Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní from Cuautla, Morelos, México.

Iglesia Evangélica Unión Peruana El Sembrador from Iquitos, Perú.

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