May-July 2023 | Newsletters

Documents for moving

Thank God, we already have Karina’s documents, both Mexican and Peruvian. We were also able to get the documents we will need in Peru to process Miriam’s residency. It was necessary to go to Mexico City to get them, but the Lord helped me and thanks to the support of some officials I was able to get the documents in one day instead of two, as I had originally planned.

Quechua Hymnal

The hymnal of our Quechua brothers is progressing very well, we already have a test version with the songs and even the icon, designed by a friend of the Lambayeque team.

In these weeks, the translation team will record some more songs. Then, it will be my turn to include them in this app and finally produce the final version to share it.

Visit to the doctor

In the month of May we went to Guadalajara for Miriam and I to receive medical attention in a couple of aspects that we have to monitor continuously.

Thank God the results were positive. We also thank the National Baptist Convention for allowing us to have this service and our sending church I. B. Gethsemani, as their offerings to the Convention make it possible.


CILTA, in Lima

We are very grateful that the scholarship was approved for Miriam to take the literacy specialization course. This is a great opportunity for her to learn more and be better prepared to better serve our indigenous brothers and sisters.

The course is called CILTA (Curso Internacional de Lingüística, Traducción y Alfabetización) and will be held in Lima from August to December of this year.

Miriam’s documents for Peru

An important task we will have upon arrival in Lima is to move forward with the paperwork so that Miriam can obtain her temporary residency for one year. This is the first document we can request for her in Peru.

Procedures of this type are always somewhat tedious. In addition, it is important to make progress as soon as possible, due to the current political problems in Peru, there is always the risk that a strike or conflict between politicians may affect the attention of state institutions.

Attention to projects

In addition to the hymnal project, I will help revise the text of the book of Acts in the Kichwa language of Napo.

The team is finishing the translation of this book, and they want to print it. In these days I will help them find any errors in the text, big or small, so they can correct them before printing.
I have started proofreading and there don’t seem to be many pending, so I hope we can move quickly with this book.

At present, this group has only the Gospel of Mark and some biblical accounts of the Old Testament in their language.

Adaptation to Lima

We will be moving to Lima this Sunday July 9th and will be living near CILTA, where Miriam will be taking the courses. It will be a time of change for Miriam and me, in a new neighborhood getting used again to the Lima culture, customs and food.

It will also be a time of change for our baby. Although not consciously, we know she will sense it in the weather, the different flavors in her food or the familiar faces she will no longer see so closely and the new ones she will meet.

Prayer requests

We appreciate your prayers for the following reasons:

  • Safety in our trip.
  • To adapt well to our new home.
  • Getting the temporary residence Miriam needs in Peru soon.
  • Coordinate our time effectively to take good care of our baby girl while Miriam takes the courses at CILTA and I continue to work with the translators.
  • Wisdom to be able to support the Napo Kichwa team in the revision of Hechos.

Thanks to each one of you who are being part of the Lord’s ministry with your prayers, offerings and messages of encouragement.


Rosas Maya Family

Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní from Cuautla, Morelos, México.

Iglesia Evangélica Unión Peruana El Sembrador from Iquitos, Perú.

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Familia Rosas Maya

Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní de Cuautla, Morelos, México.

Iglesia Evangélica Unión Peruana El Sembrador de Iquitos, Perú.

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