October-November 2023 | Newsletter


“Education saves mothers’ lives”

(UNESCO 2013)

 It has been a great challenge to reach this point in my studies in literacy, both because of the workload, homework, study and classes, as well as the knowledge that cannot remain just that, it is important to act. As a mother, it is shocking to see how the percentage of maternal mortality would drop considerably (66%) in the world if only these women could finish primary education.

Miriam enseñando
Miriam enseñando
Miriam y sus compañeros exponiendo
Miriam exponiendo

The reason for this is that they could read a simple pamphlet telling them how to react to symptoms such as bleeding or hypertension. They would know what to do, but they don’t because they can’t read. It’s alarming, isn’t it? What are we doing for these women or anyone else who can’t read? If it is important for them to know about their physical body, how much more important it is for them to know about the God who loves them and who gave his life for them. But most likely, they will not know because they do not know how to read the Word of God. May the Lord continue to use us as a team, you and us, to grow his kingdom by serving our neighbor. 


In November, Kari, Pepe and I got sick. First I got sick, we think it was a cold or some mild version of covid. Then Kari got an intestinal infection that she is coming out of. Finally, Pepe also came down with a cold.

It was an exhausting few days, but we are thankful it didn’t happen at the beginning of my classes. Thank God, we are better now.

Workshops in January

In January, I will participate in two workshops in Pucallpa, in the jungle of Peru. It will be the first time we take Kari to a workshop.

There is also a possibility that Pepe will travel to a Matses community in the Peruvian jungle, bordering Brazil, to support the translation team. We ask for your prayers for the arrangements that need to be made for this trip.

Regarding the Lambayeque Quechua hymnal that Pepe is helping with, the translators sent him twelve new songs. He hopes to add them to the app and deliver it before Christmas.

Future plans

We would also like to ask for your prayerful support for our family’s plans for the coming year. May the Lord help us to listen to Him very carefully to be able to define the place where He wants us to live, once we have to leave this department next year. He knows what is the most suitable place for our family and from where we can develop our ministries.

Kari’s growth

Our Kari grows every week and surprises us with new skills and curiosities. In October we took a little time to celebrate her first year.

She is already starting to imitate things we do and understand many of the things we ask her to do.

Brothers, we will send you updates on all of this in a couple more weeks. We look forward to sharing with you our joy for the graduation of CILTA. My last class will be on December 8 and the graduation will be on the 14th.

Please receive a big hug from us.

Prayer requests

We appreciate your prayers for the following reasons:

  • A little more strength and health to be able to finish the pending tasks before the end of classes.
  • Guidance from the Lord for the coordination of the workshop with the Matsés brothers in the jungle. May He allow this workshop to take place in January only if it is His will.
  • For open ears to understand the Lord’s will for future plans.

Thanks to each one of you who are being part of the Lord’s ministry with your prayers, offerings and messages of encouragement.


Rosas Maya Family

Iglesia Bautista Getsemaní from Cuautla, Morelos, México.

Iglesia Evangélica Unión Peruana El Sembrador from Iquitos, Perú.

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