“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
— Luke 2:14 – NLT
The Lord is faithful and keeps his promises. He watches over each one of us and guides us according to his purposes.
May the Lord bless you and gladden your hearts. May He lead us to continue to praise Him for the wonderful gift of His Son among us. We hope you had a Merry Christmas and that this year the Lord will help us to continue to recognize His mercy, His love, His grace and give us wisdom to do His will. Happy New Year 2024!
We are pleased to inform you that Miriam has successfully completed the literacy courses at CILTA.
In July we told you about our decision to come to Lima for Miriam to study these courses. We knew it would be an exhausting few months, due to the care of our baby, the demands of the studies and my part in the ministry. However, we felt it was the right time to move forward with this goal.
She is now better prepared to pursue her calling. I am very proud of her tremendous effort during these months and of God’s care for us. We are excited about the new possibilities of serving our God!
Where to go?
These months have been very good for Miriam’s preparation and also for us as a family. We have had important times to reevaluate how best to use the time He has given us on earth to serve Him. We believe it would be best to move closer to a city where Miriam can gain literacy experience among native speakers.
January and February
For the time being, Miriam has a trip to the Peruvian jungle in January to participate in two workshops and I will be meeting in February with the Matse translators.
Also in February we will travel together to support a workshop on the creation of small books in indigenous languages in a town in the Peruvian highlands.
These will be the first workshops we will do with Kari. We ask that you accompany us with your prayers so that all of this can take place and Kari will be in good health.
Prayer requests
We appreciate your prayers for the following reasons:
We are grateful for Miriam’s literacy training.
We are very grateful for the Lord’s provision and care in this busy year.
We ask your prayers for wisdom to understand which city the Lord wants us to move to in order to serve Him better.
Thanks to each one of you who are being part of the Lord’s ministry with your prayers, offerings and messages of encouragement.